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Join us for Election Night, Click Here for Party Details
When: Nov 4th, 5pm until ???
Who: Co-Wap, family & friends
Where: Boulder Theater, 2032 14th Street, Boulder, CO 80302
Cost: $10 per person

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Co-Wap's Heroes

Denver Post reports on Unknown Hero:

"Palin was speaking in Loveland when a woman behind her on the stage unveiled a white Barack Obama T-shirt and started heckling Palin. When Palin spoke about Obama's plan to tax and spend, the woman and her friend yelled, "That's not true."

The Alaska governor did not acknowledge her at first. Palin supporters tried covering the woman up with "Country First" campaign signs and the women attempted to push them away. She was then forcefully removed from the bleachers."Maybe it makes more sense for security to keep her in here for a little bit so she can learn more from all of you," Palin said as the woman and her friend were escorted from the event."

Click here for the whole slideshow. Lady, whoever you are, please email us. We have a free t-shirt for you!!


Anonymous said...

What a nasty little thing for her to say. Was she inviting violence towards the protesters from the crowd? That seems rather punitive for a candidate for national office to be touting. Of course we all know that is only one facet of the problem.

Stephanie said...

"Maybe it makes more sense for security to keep her in here for a little bit so she can learn more from all of you"

1) How condescending,
2) What would an Obama/Biden woman need to learn from a Palin crowd? How to lie her way into office?

Thanks for the post, and for the hard work you're doing!!