Upcoming Events

Join us for Election Night, Click Here for Party Details
When: Nov 4th, 5pm until ???
Who: Co-Wap, family & friends
Where: Boulder Theater, 2032 14th Street, Boulder, CO 80302
Cost: $10 per person

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Centennial Rally!

Saturday's protest in Centennial went fantastically! Co-Wap leader, Kir, got there early and directed the troops from Starbucks (Co-Wap's favorite caffeine source and parking lots - they are very nice to us!) to the protest site.

Mad & KC led the first group from Boulder including the under 1-year old club. I started getting text messages from Kir saying there were already 50 rowdy people ready to protest and Fox News was looking for us.

There were more people willing to forego a Saturday morning of sleeping in than I could've imagined. They were fired up and chanting before I even got there. Thank you so much, ladies!

Mad & Milo did an interview with Channel 4

Our signature t-shirts Even Milo is wearing his!

So awesome that children are learning activism at such a young age!

Remember, under Obama's plan, 95% of middle class families will get tax relief; McCain gives his to the rich and big corporations

We were lined up down the block, in the median (before the police kicked us off) and across the street

The group, Obama Mamas, banded together with us!

Some signs that get straight to the point (wink) (smile) (wink) = Dunno, Joe, say it ain't so!

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