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When: Nov 4th, 5pm until ???
Who: Co-Wap, family & friends
Where: Boulder Theater, 2032 14th Street, Boulder, CO 80302
Cost: $10 per person

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Palin Plunge

It's a big week for our favorite VP candidate! First, the RNC has spent $150,000 dollars on Mrs. Joe Six Pack's hair and clothing in the last 2 months. Clearly this is a woman in touch with the average American.

Next, Palin will give a deposition for the Troopergate investigation by the Alaska Personnel Board. Palin was already found to have violated ethics laws in her attempt to get her former brother-in-law fired.

Also in Pittbull news, Palin apparently charged her state for expenses incurred for her children's travel. Often to events where they were not invited, and sometimes to events which were not state business at all.

The charges included costs for hotel and commercial flights for three
daughters to join Palin to watch their father in a snowmobile race, and a trip
to New York, where the governor attended a five-hour conference and stayed with
17-year-old Bristol for five days and four nights in a luxury hotel.

In all, Palin has charged the state $21,012 for her three daughters' 64
one-way and 12 round-trip commercial flights since she took office in December
2006. In some other cases, she has charged the state for hotel rooms for the

This week, many newpapers and prominent figures, including Colin Powell have spoken out against McCain and Palin and thrown their support behind Obama/Biden. The Daily Kos has a great round-up of these stories. And The Huffington Post has a fantastic summary of the Palin Plunge!

From The Chicago Tribune:

McCain failed in his most important executive decision. Give him credit for choosing a female running mate--but he passed up any number of supremely qualified Republican women who could have served. Having called Obama not ready to lead, McCain chose Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. His campaign has tried to stage-manage Palin's exposure to the public. But it's clear she is not prepared to step in at a moment's notice and serve as president. McCain put his campaign before his country.
From the LA Times:
Indeed, the presidential campaign has rendered McCain nearly unrecognizable. His selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate was, as a short-term political tactic, brilliant. It was also irresponsible, as Palin is the most unqualified vice presidential nominee of a major party in living memory. The decision calls into question just what kind of thinking -- if that's the appropriate word -- would drive the White House in a McCain presidency. Fortunately, the public has shown more discernment, and the early enthusiasm for Palin has given way to national ridicule of her candidacy and McCain's judgment.
From The Oregonian:
Supporting her, McCain has offered the equally jaw-dropping claim that Sarah Palin knows more about energy than anyone else in the United States. Having Palin a heartbeat from the presidency makes our own heart miss a beat.
Ours too! Despite all these problems, Palin is still drawing HUGE crowds and has a ton of support from conservative voters. We're under the two week mark! Please do your part to make sure this woman is not our next Vice President! Come rally with us Friday when McCain speaks in Denver. Volunteer at your local Obama headquarters. Talk to your neighbors. And most importantly, VOTE! Early voting has opened and it's still not too late to request an absentee ballot!

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