Upcoming Events

Join us for Election Night, Click Here for Party Details
When: Nov 4th, 5pm until ???
Who: Co-Wap, family & friends
Where: Boulder Theater, 2032 14th Street, Boulder, CO 80302
Cost: $10 per person

Friday, October 24, 2008

Videos from Today's Protest in Denver

Warning: these videos are awful. No, these were not filmed in the South. Right here in the heart of Denver, my friends. You'll see why we were so disturbed and disheartened afterward. The McCain/Palin supporters blurt out nasty, racist comments.

You'll see that they call us/him communists, socialist, turban-wearers, Muslims, etc. They even call Obama a monkey president - pay close attention to the kids doing the monkey dance. Spread this video around.

Here's another one too. If you watch and listen closely, you'll see me trying to get a guy to back off of us.


Mad said...

It was pretty intense and very upsetting today. The beginning and end of the Rocky Mtn News video show a woman who was grabbing me, making obscene gestures behind and next to me, and being pretty disgusting to us (and very persistent). Michelle had to intervene to get her to back off. I'm looking forward to a more positive scene at the Obama rally on Sunday!

Wendy said...

Gals, I'm sorry I couldn't join you this morning. I admire your bravery and dedication to making American great again. It makes my stomach hurt that these people in the video call themselves Americans. To say such horrible things about an elected United States Senator... what are they teaching their children?!?!? Just like the cowards in the middle-east that wear hoods to conceal their identites, these people wouldn't give their names. Their families and neighbors must be so proud.