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Join us for Election Night, Click Here for Party Details
When: Nov 4th, 5pm until ???
Who: Co-Wap, family & friends
Where: Boulder Theater, 2032 14th Street, Boulder, CO 80302
Cost: $10 per person

Monday, September 29, 2008

More Media Coverage of Colorado Women Against Palin

Co-Wap's own Jessica was videotaped by the Rocky Mountain News at yesterday's Belmar rally. See below.

Also, KC did a live interview on Fox 31 last Monday. We haven't been able to find that in digital form, unfortunately. Great job, ladies, on getting our message out there so eloquently!

They also had this to say:

No thanks, Palin

Jacylyn Zube waved a "Pro Family, Anti Palin" sign as cars turned the corner, honking in support or protest.

The 25-year-old Denver woman participated in one of two simultaneous anti-Palin rallies - in Lakewood and Westminster - designed to sign up voters and express disappointment in the Republican's vice presidential nominee.

"I just don't agree with her policies," Zube said as she and others waved signs near the Belmar Center.

"I would love to see a woman in office but not this woman," said Elisa Groh, who is visiting Colorado from Illinois.

"Anybody who can spend money on a Bridge to Nowhere is not the right one for me."

1 comment:

(tinxmagic) Laura said...

I am another COLORADO woman who wants... scratch that needs to be a part of your efforts!!! I would love to be a part of one of your next rallies... (I can't this Saturday) but any after that I am IN!!! YOU GO GIRLS... GIVE A VOICE TO THOSE OF US WHO ARE THE TRUE WOMEN OF AMERICA!!!!