Upcoming Events

Join us for Election Night, Click Here for Party Details
When: Nov 4th, 5pm until ???
Who: Co-Wap, family & friends
Where: Boulder Theater, 2032 14th Street, Boulder, CO 80302
Cost: $10 per person

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Sarah Palin is scared to face us. At least, we'd like to think we had something to do with her decision to cancel her $1,000/head luncheon for Tuesday (and the $25,000/person VIP reception that was scheduled to precede it). She's not coming to Colorado next week.

1. We're NOT protesting on Tuesday. Please spread the word (if you forwarded the protest notification, please forward this cancellation). Many thanks to all of you who put in for vacation time, arranged babysitters, set up carpools and were raring to go. You're awesome. And don't worry, we're far from done!

2. ProgressNow has a huge rally scheduled for this MONDAY, on the west steps of the State Capitol, at noon. This was supposed to set the stage for our protest on Tuesday, but we can still get the word out that Sarah Palin doesn't speak for Colorado's women, and that we reject the McCain/Palin ticket as bad for women and bad for America.

What: Kiss McCain and Palin Goodbye rally
Where: West Steps of the State Capitol, Denver
When: Monday, Sept. 22, at noon
Who: Me and you and everyone we know
Can you join us? Click here to RSVP to the rally:

And, If you can't make it to the rally, click here and add your comments for McCain and Palin telling them why you're kissing them goodbye. We'll take your comments to the rally on Monday and give them to the press:
3. Next Sunday, September 28, Colorado Women Against Palin are going to demonstrate outside a couple of WalMarts to help inform others why Palin does not represent us. Details to follow.

4. On Thursday, October 2, we're having a Vice Presidential debate-watching party at Redfish, in Boulder. Stay tuned for specific details and plan to join us. This event is free and open to everyone! Also, we are hoping to have an event in Denver too. Please let us know if you'd be interested in hosting and/or organizing.

5. On Sunday, October 5, we're planning to field a great big CoWAP team at the Race for the Cure, in Denver. Stay tuned for specific details, and let us know if you're planning to participate.

6. We've heard rumors that Palin is coming back to Colorado the first weekend in October. We're going to keep monitoring her schedule, and we'll keep you informed.

And remember, the ultimate goal here is to get Barack Obama and Joe Biden elected. The Obama campaign and the Democratic Party are working every day to register voters, raise money, and increase support. They need your help, too!

- Michelle, Mad, Kir, and KC
Colorado Women Against Palin

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