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Join us for Election Night, Click Here for Party Details
When: Nov 4th, 5pm until ???
Who: Co-Wap, family & friends
Where: Boulder Theater, 2032 14th Street, Boulder, CO 80302
Cost: $10 per person

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What do you want in the next President?

Why are we Colorado Women Against Palin?

Because John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate spurred us into action. Because we are insulted that a woman with so few qualifications, and such retrograde positions, would be trotted out as the answer to American women's hopes and dreams of equality and advancement. Because we are angry that a woman who would take us back to the 1950s is calling dibs on the sledgehammer we've been bashing against that damned glass ceiling for so many decades. Because we have grave concerns for our families and ourselves, and we know that we can't afford to elect new leaders who would govern with the same disregard for working Americans, children, and poor people as we've seen for the past 8 years.

But while we are Colorado Women Against Palin, we are also Colorado Women FOR Barack Obama. Our reasons for supporting Obama/Biden are many and varied, but as Anne Lamott urges us in this terrific piece on Salon.com today, we need to stop talking about that woman from Alaska, and start talking about why Barack Obama must be the next President of this great country.

Recently, on a message board I frequent, many different women posted their reasons for supporting Obama/Biden, and their hopes for a new Democratic administration. Here are mine (with credit to my friend B., who expressed many of my views so eloquently). Please share yours in the comments.

  • I want a President who carries the respect of the international community, and can restore America's place as a world leader.
  • I want a President who believes in the separation of church and state, and who understands that personal religious beliefs and choices should not dictate policy.
  • I want a President who actually believes in democracy and the democratic process, and will not subvert the constitution, erode civil liberties, and grab executive power through sketchy legal maneuvers.
  • I want a President who believes in science and is part of the reality-based community.
  • I want a President to address issues of poverty and income/wealth disparity.
  • I want to be proud of the President, and of the people the President appoints at all levels, and feel confident that those appointments are being guided by merit, not cronyism or revenge.
  • I want a President who's smart. I don't much care if the President is someone with whom I'd want to drink a beer, or share carpool duties. I want a President who is smart enough to make his or her own decisions, drawing on both a broad knowledge base and an ability to read and understand complex briefing documents from those worthy advisers I mentioned above.
  • I want a President who is willing to invest real money, and real effort, into research and development of alternative fuels and new technologies to make America energy independent and environmentally sustainable.
  • I want a President who will protect a woman's right to make her own decisions about her reproductive life.
  • And I want a President who understands the real pressures and problems facing working families in this country, and who understands that our economy will be strengthened by providing everyone who needs it with affordable health care, affordable child care, paid leave to care for new babies and sick family members, and a living wage.


Kir said...

Great post! Here's a fantastic summary of the differences between McCain and Obama by Daily Kos


michelle said...

Eloquently said, Mad.

I want a president who:
*values the priceless contributions teachers and other community servants make to American and the world
* acknowledges he/she does not have all the answers and surrounds him/herself with people empowered to change his/her mind
* is a servant leader not a self-serving leader
* respects the environment and works to ensure a healthy world for a our children/grandchildren
* inspires me to be a better person/citizen of the world